How Does Trane CleanEffects Work to Clean the Air in Chester, VA?

Having clean air in your home is essential for providing a safe, healthy atmosphere for you and your family in Chester, VA. However, sometimes your HVAC system’s air filter can get clogged, and dust, and particles in the air, which can be harmful to people with allergies or asthma. Here’s how the Trane CleanEffects system can clean your air much more effectively than a traditional air filtration system.

A Revolutionary Air Purification System

Most air filters trap dirt and particles as they pass through the system. Eventually, a large quantity of particles builds up on the filter, which can reduce the air quality in the home. It also forces the furnace to work harder, which can increase your electric bill.

The Trane CleanEffects purifier uses revolutionary technology to trap particles without clogging the filter. The system uses patented technology that charges the air particles and makes dust and debris adhere to the collection cells. The collection element also has a much larger surface area than traditional air filters, so it can capture more particles as the air passes through.

Much More Effective Than Traditional Air Purifiers

The Trane CleanEffects system is so efficient that it’s up to eight times more effective than a traditional HEPA room filter. It’s also 100 times more effective than the 1-inch air filter you’d find in your HVAC system. Experts at Harvard University tested and evaluated this system to ensure that you’re getting a top-notch air purification system in Chester, VA.

Easy to Clean and Maintain

Cleaning your Trane CleanEffects system is easy. All you need to do is vacuum or rinse the filter and clean out the charger. This system is easy to maintain and provides a healthier environment for your entire family.

If you’d like to have a Trane CleanEffects system installed in your home, get in touch with Foster Plumbing and Heating today. We provide fast, efficient installation services that’ll improve your home’s air quality in no time.

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